USCFC General Jurisdiction-Unreported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 1 month ago

14-951 • MORA v. USA

Filed 10/09/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER. The Clerk of Court is directed Dismiss plaintiff's complaint for lack of jurisdiction. The Clerk of Court will enter judgment for defendant. No costs. Docketed for Administrative Purposes Signed by Chief Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (jt1) Copy to parties.

Keywords: re: Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Want of Jurisdiction; Transfer; 28 U.S.C. § 1631. (dls)Keywords: re: [8] Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Want of Jurisdiction; Transfer; 28 U.S.C. § 1631.

14-842 • MORA v. USA

Filed 10/07/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment dismissing plaintiff's complaint for lack of jurisdiction. Docketed for Administrative Purposes Signed by Chief Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (jt1) Copy to parties.

Keywords: re: Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Want of Jurisdiction; Transfer; 28 U.S.C. § 1631. (dls)Keywords: re: [6] Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Want of Jurisdiction; Transfer; 28 U.S.C. § 1631.

14-710 • GOLDEN v. USA

Filed 10/06/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (dls) Copy to parties. (Re-docketed for administrative purposes.)

Keywords: re: Pro se; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(h)(3); Transfer Not in the Interest of Justice under 28 U.S.C. § 1631.

14-416 • MILES v. USA

Filed 10/06/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION. granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment (in this, 14-417C, 14-418C, 14-419C and 14-420C). Signed by Judge Lynn J. Bush.

Keywords: re: Pro se Plaintiff; Frivolous Claims Based on Meaningless Documents Attached to Complaints; Dismissal Warranted under RCFC (12(b)(1).

14-836 • CARPENTER v. USA

Filed 10/03/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION dismissing case. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.

93-655 • ANAHEIM GARDENS, et al v. USA

Filed 10/02/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION denying Motion for Summary Judgment. Plaintiffs' request for permission to file an amended complaint is GRANTED. Plaintiffs shall file their sixth amended complaint no later than October 17, 2014. Signed by Chief Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion for Summary Judgment, Unreported Opinion, Misnomer; Amended Complaint; RCFC 56; RCFC 15(a)(2); RCFC 17(a)(1), RCFC 17(a)(3)

14-228 • BROOKS v. USA

Filed 10/02/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Edward J. Damich. (mch) Copy to parties. Modified on 10/6/2014 to correct pdf.

14-75 • WHITWORTH v. USA

Filed 10/01/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski.


Filed 09/24/2014
UNREPORTED Order granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1), Unreported Order, Post-award bid protest; lack of subject-matter jurisdiction; moot due to corrective action

14-557 • HARDIN v. USA

Filed 09/23/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow. (ar) Copy to parties. (tracking number for plaintiff: 9114 9010 7574 2690 0647 48)


Filed 09/22/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER granting in part and denying in part Motion to Produce; MOTION to Produce Documents and Deponents, and for Extension of Time to Take Discovery Concerning Late Produced Information filed by MICHAEL ROTH & ASSOCIATES (Memorandum due by 9/26/2014, Response due by 10/3/2014., Status Report due by 12/4/2014). Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski.

13-255 • KEPA DAKOTA, JV v. USA

Filed 09/19/2014
OPINION and ORDER denying Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(6), and instead converts that motion to one for summary judgment under RCFC 56. The court thereupon DENIES the converted motion. Joint Status Report due by 10/8/2014, indicating how this case should proceed. Signed by Judge Francis M. Allegra. (si) Copy to parties. Docketed for Administrative Purposes Only.


Filed 09/19/2014
OPINION and ORDER granting, in part, and denying, in part Motion for Summary Judgment; granting in part, and denying, in part [106] Cross Motion ( Joint Status Report due by 10/15/2014). Signed by Judge Francis M. Allegra.

13-161 • SMITH v. USA

Filed 09/17/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER granting in part and denying in part Motion to Stay (Status Report due by 9/24/2014). Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski.

14-105 • PIERCE v. USA

Filed 09/08/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER denying Motion for Reconsideration - Rule 59(a). Signed by Judge Nancy B. Firestone.

93-655 • ANAHEIM GARDENS, et al v. USA

Filed 09/05/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER: The portion of defendant's motion for a protective order seeking to preclude plaintiffs from taking more than one seven-hour deposition of its RCFC 30(b)(6) witness is DENIED. Plaintiffs' request to depose defendant's RCFC 30(b)(6) witness for more than one seven-hour day is GRANTED. Defendant's motion for leave to exceed the RCFC 30(a)(2)(A)(i) limit on the number of depositions [363] is GRANTED. Plaintiffs' cross-motion for a protective order limiting defendant to ten fact witness depositions [365] is DENIED. Defendant's motion for an expedited status conference [364] is DENIED as moot. Signed by Chief Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith.

07-328 • BERKOWITZ v. USA

Filed 09/04/2014
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss plaintiff's education benefits claim; denying defendant's motion for judgment on the administrative record; granting plaintiff's motion for judgment on the administrative record; denying, as moot, [71] Motion for Preliminary Injunction; remanding the case to the ABCMR, with the remand period to terminate on 3/4/15; staying proceedings until 3/4/15; and directing defendant to file status reports on 12/3/2014 and 3/3/2015) . Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski.

14-562 • KABANDO v. USA

Filed 08/28/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER denying Motion for Leave to File proposed order to show cause; granting [6] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1); granting [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis; and directing the Clerk to return to plaintiff her "Response to Defendant's 'No' Answer to the 'Motion for Leave to File Proposed Order to Show Cause'" and "Motion for Leave to File Response to Defendant's 'No' Answer to the 'Motion for Leave to File In Forma Pauperis,'" both received on August 25, 2014. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (dls) Copy to parties. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (jt1) Copy to parties. Modified on 8/28/2014 - corrections to entry(jt1).

Keywords: re: 28 U.S.C. Section 1491, Tucker Act, Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Rules of the Court of Federal Claims 12(b)(1), Money-mandating, District Court Jurisdiction


Filed 08/28/2014
UNREPORTED ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1); finding as moot [57] Motion for Summary Judgment. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Eric G. Bruggink. (jpk1) Copy to parties.

14-207 • CHERGI v. USA

Filed 08/27/2014
UNREPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.
