USCFC General Jurisdiction-Unreported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 1 month ago

15-880 • KALOS et al v. USA

Filed 04/20/2016
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND FINAL ORDER denying Motion for Reconsideration - Rule 59(a) and denying [14] Motion for Reconsideration - Rule 59(a). Signed by Judge Susan G. Braden. (dw1) Copy to parties.

16-395 • FRIES v. USA

Filed 04/20/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION dismissing case and finding as moot Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Due to the multiplicity of frivolous suits, the Court directs the Clerk of Court not to accept any complaints or other filings from the plaintiff without the written consent of the undersigned. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.

16-398 • FRIES v. USA

Filed 04/20/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION dismissing case and finding as moot Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Due to the multiplicity of frivolous suits, the Court directs the Clerk of Court not to accept any complaints or other filings from the plaintiff without the written consent of the undersigned. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.

16-403 • GULLETT-EL v. USA

Filed 04/20/2016
UNREPORTED Order of Dismissal denying Motion for TRO; denying [4] Motion for Preliminary Injunction; granting [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis for the limited purpose of filing the complaint. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Nancy B. Firestone.

Keywords: re: Pro Se; Sua Sponte Dismissal; Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

16-400 • FRIES v. USA

Filed 04/20/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION dismissing case and finding as moot Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Due to the multiplicity of frivolous suits, the Court directs the Clerk of Court not to accept any complaints or other filings from the plaintiff without the written consent of the undersigned. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.

16-399 • FRIES v. USA

Filed 04/20/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION dismissing case and finding as moot Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Due to the multiplicity of frivolous suits, the Court directs the Clerk of Court not to accept any complaints or other filings from the plaintiff without the written consent of the undersigned. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler.

15-552 • WILLIAMS v. USA

Filed 04/19/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1); granting [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis, for the limited purpose of dismissing the case for lack of jurisdiction. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan.

14-67 • KAPLAN v. USA

Filed 04/13/2016
REPORTED OPINION (Public Version): denying Motion for Summary Judgment; denying [50] Cross Motion. The parties are directed to consult and propose a trial schedule by April 15, 2016. Notice of Compliance due by 4/15/2016. Signed by Senior Judge Eric G. Bruggink.

Keywords: re: Equal Pay Act, 29 U.S.C.§ 206( d); statute of limitations; substantially equal work; willfulness

14-528 • YOUNG v. USA

Filed 04/08/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION : granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1); denying as moot [32] Motion to recognize plaintiff as a veteran and pro se litigant. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (vdw) Copy to parties. (Main Document 37 replaced on 4/8/2016)

Keywords: RCFC 12(b)(l); Motion to Dismiss; Statute of Limitations; Money Mandating Statute; Veterans' Judicial Review Act; 38 U.S.C. § 7252

15-1020 • BAZILE v. USA

Filed 04/01/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION. denying Motion for Extension of Time to File Response ; granting [3] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby.

15-1371 • BARRERA v. USA

Filed 03/31/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER denying Motion to Amend Complaint. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski.

15-585 • HARDIN v. USA

Filed 03/30/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER - Returning unfiled document received entitled "Demand for Determination of Birthrights within the Jurisdiction of the Land" to Plaintiff Denny-Ray Hardin. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski.

16-357 • CALDWELL v. USA

Filed 03/25/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER dismissing plaintiff's complaint, and prohibiting plaintiff from filing any further cases in this court until he pays the filing fee for this case or any other case, or files a proper motion to proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Marian Blank Horn.

12-384 • KATZIN et al v. USA

Filed 03/24/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER: The 119-page post-trial brief of the government in this case is greatly in excess of the 40-page limitation in RCFC 5.4(b)(1). Nonetheless, the court allows the filing as a matter of grace, with the caveat that no such leave will be granted in the future. Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow.

15-1071 • NIE v. USA

Filed 03/22/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER denying Motion to Reopen Case. Signed by Judge Marian Blank Horn.

16-102 • GILHAM-EL v. USA

Filed 03/18/2016
UNREPORTED OPINION dismissing case pursuant to RCFC 41(b). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby.

15-1583 • ALFORD v. USA

Filed 03/18/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER - ORDER FOR THE UNITED STATES TO SHOW CAUSE. (re-docketed for administrative purposes only). Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow.


Filed 03/17/2016
UNREPORTED ORDER denying Motion for Reconsideration. Signed by Senior Judge Eric G. Bruggink. (jpk1) Copy to parties.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion for Reconsideration, Unreported Order: Spent Nuclear Fuel; Reconsideration; RCFC 52(b); RCFC 59; Damages; Causation

15-880 • KALOS et al v. USA

Filed 03/17/2016
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION and FINAL ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); and finding as moot [5] Motion to Strike; [5] Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; [8] Motion for Default Judgment; [8] Motion for Summary Judgment; [9] Motion to Stay; and [9] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Susan G. Braden.


Filed 03/16/2016
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION and FINAL ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); and mooting [12] Motion to Amend Pleadings - Rule 15(b); [13] Motion for Interlocutory Appeal, Injunction, Temporary Restraining Order, Stay, and Relief Under All Writs; and [14] Motion to Stay and for Extension of Time to File Response. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment (in this and 15-799C). Signed by Judge Susan G. Braden.
