USCFC General Jurisdiction-Unreported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 1 month ago

17-1084 • DAY v. USA

Filed 04/05/2018
ORDER OF DISMISSAL: granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams. (ac7) Service on parties made.

17-1540 • GRANT III v. USA

Filed 04/04/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION AND ORDER: Granting Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis; Granting [6] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1); Denying [7] Motion for Default Judgment; The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (vds) Service on parties made. U.S. Certified Mail Tracking #7017 1450 0000 1346 0997

Keywords: Pro Se; Rule 12(b)(l); Subject-Matter Jurisdiction.

17-581 • DRAKE v. USA

Filed 04/03/2018
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND FINAL ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1), filed by USA. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Susan G. Braden. (rp) Service on parties made.


Filed 04/03/2018
UNREPORTED ORDER granting in part and denying in part Motion to Dismiss; Government's motion to strike the reports submitted by plaintiff from Ms. Anderson and Mr. Foote on September 22, 2017 and to preclude them from testifying at trial in plaintiff's affirmative case is GRANTED. Government's motion to dismiss Counts I, II, III, and IX of the compliant is DENIED. The parties shall file a proposed schedule for resolving Counts I, II, III, and IX by 4/26/2018.Signed by Senior Judge Nancy B. Firestone. (js) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion to Dismiss: Rule 37(b)(2) Sanction and Expert Reports Stricken

17-1656 • AUSTIN v. USA

Filed 03/28/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION AND ORDER: Granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); Denying [12] Motion for Default Judgment; Granting [14] Motion to Amend Pleadings; The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski. U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail Receipt Tracking # 7017 1450 0000 1346 0973(vds) Service on parties made.

18-360 • SUGGS v. USA

Filed 03/23/2018
UNREPORTED ORDER - Because plaintiff states only claims that are obviously not within our jurisdiction, this case is DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski. U.S. Postal Service Tracking # 7017 1450 000 1346 0959(vds) Service on parties made. (Main Document 5 replaced on 3/26/2018)

17-1903 • BURMASTER v. USA

Filed 03/22/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. No costs. Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 4515)

17-1971 • FISHER v. USA

Filed 03/15/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION, Granting Motion to Amend Pleadings - Rule 15(b); Granting [7] Motion to Amend/Correct; Granting [8] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1); Denying as Moot [9] Motion for guidance to issue subpoena. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. U.S. Certified Mail Receipt Tracking #7016 3010 0000 4308 4454(vds) Service on parties made.

17-2046 • IRVIN-BEY v. USA

Filed 03/12/2018
UNREPORTED Order denying Motion for Default Judgment; denying, as moot, [7] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); returning, unfiled, plaintiff's "Writ of Replevin"; and dismissing the case for failure to prosecute. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 4379)

17-1363 • OLAJIDE v. USA

Filed 03/06/2018
Docketed for Administrative Purposes UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis; granting [6] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); finding as moot [9] Motion; finding as moot [10] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (ew) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Unreported Opinion, Pro Se; RCFC l2(b)(1), Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(b)(6), Failure to State a Claim; Money-Mandating Source of Law; Implied-in-Fact Contract; Takings.


Filed 02/28/2018
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 4225)

17-2058 • NICKENS et al v. USA

Filed 02/27/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION Granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow. [U.S. Certified Mail Tracking Receipt# 7017 1450 0000 1346 0942](vds) Service on parties made.

18-274 • SACCHI v. USA

Filed 02/26/2018
UNREPORTED Order granting Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis, for the limited purpose of determining the court's jurisdiction; and directing the Clerk to enter judgment dismissing plaintiff's complaint, without prejudice, for lack of jurisdiction. Signed by Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 4096)

Keywords: re: Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Want of Jurisdiction, RCFC 12(h)(3).

17-1821 • KALOS et al v. USA

Filed 02/15/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Edward J. Damich. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 4034)

17-1618 • BAFFORD v. USA

Filed 02/15/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); denying [9] Motion to Declare Transfer Void; and denying, as moot, [10] Motion to Stay Response to Plaintiff's Motion. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 4041)

17-1449 • BANKSTON v. USA

Filed 02/14/2018
UNREPORTED ORDER denying Motion for Relief from Judgment - Rule 60. Signed by Judge Victor J. Wolski. (vds) Service on parties made.

17-1505 • HARRIS v. USA

Filed 02/13/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Charles F. Lettow. (fm) Service on parties made. [PLAINTIFF SERVED USPS CERTIFIED MAIL 7016 3010 0000 4308 4027]

17-1243 • ROBERTS v. USA

Filed 02/08/2018
UNREPORTED ORDER of DISMISSAL: denying Motion for temporary relief on bond; granting [8] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams. (ar) Service on parties made. [Sent via certified mail: 7016 3010 0000 4308 3983]

17-927 • EL v. USA

Filed 02/07/2018
UNREPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss under Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (dls) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7016 3010 0000 4308 3884)

Keywords: re: Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(b)(1); Civil Service Retirement System, 5 U.S.C. §§ 8331-8351.

16-1662 • BIGELOW et al v. USA

Filed 02/07/2018
UNREPORTED ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams. (ar) Service on parties made. [Sent via certified mail: 7016 3010 0000 4308 3907 (Bigelow); 7016 3010 0000 4308 3914 (Stewart); 7016 3010 0000 4308 3921 (Grissom/Sasnett); 7016 3010 0000 4308 3938 (Hunt); 7016 3010 0000 4308 3945 (Biggers); and 7016 3010 0000 4308 3952 (Y'sra-El)]
