USCFC General Jurisdiction-Unreported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 1 month ago

16-231 • FITCH v. USA

Filed 01/17/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER staying case. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made.

16-699 • ZOELLER v. USA

Filed 01/17/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER staying case. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made.

15-1364 • SATTGAST v. USA

Filed 01/17/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER staying case. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made.

16-1021 • WILLIAMS v. USA

Filed 01/17/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER staying case. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made. (Main Document 11 replaced on 1/22/2020)

16-451 • LOFTIS v. USA

Filed 01/17/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER staying case. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made.

16-1482 • ATWATER v. USA

Filed 01/17/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER staying case. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made.

19-1354 • THOUNSAVATH v. USA

Filed 01/16/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION Granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) filed by USA The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow. (tb) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via certified mail. Article No. 7018 2290 0000 5183 9157) (Main Document 11 replaced on 1/16/2020)

19-1654 • JAVED v. USA

Filed 01/15/2020
**RE-DOCKETED FOR POSTING TO THE COURT'S WEBSITE** UNREPORTED OPINION Granting [6] Motion to Dismiss - pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) filed by USA. Mr. Javed's complaint shall be Dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow. (tb) Service on parties made. (Plaintiff served via registered mail: Article No. RF 365 530 513 US).

19-1038 • STEVENS v. USA

Filed 01/15/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION: Granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. U.S. Certified Mail Receipt Tracking# 7018 1830 0001 4963 6519(vds) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Takings Clause; Fifth Amendment; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction;Motion to Dismiss; Tort; Pro Se


Filed 01/15/2020
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss; denying [15] Motion for Discovery; and dismissing the complaint. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (jw) Service on parties madeUNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting [9] Motion to Dismiss; denying [15] Motion for Discovery; and dismissing the complaint. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (jw) Service on parties made..

Keywords: Contract Disputes Act; 41 U.S.C. § 7101, et seq.; RCFC 12(b)(1); Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(b)(6); Failure to State A Claim; RCFC 26;RCFC 9(k); Promissory Estoppel, re: Unreported Memorandum Opinion and Order granting Motion to Dismiss, denying Motion for Limited Discovery and dismissing the complaint.

19-1349 • AHMED v. USA

Filed 01/15/2020
ORDER OF DISMISSAL: Granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Nancy B. Firestone. U.S. Certified Mail Receipt Tracking # 7018 1830 0001 4963 6526(vds) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Pro Se; Dismissal for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Rule l 2(b )(I); Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act; Provisions of the InternalRevenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act; Tort Claims

19-1242 • HARRIS v. USA

Filed 01/14/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION Granting MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6) filed by USA. The Clerk is directed to dismiss Plaintiff's complaint without prejudice and enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler. (sh) Service on parties made.(Plaintiff served by Certified Mail; Article No. 7014-1200-0000-9093-9201.)

Keywords: re: Order on Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6), Unreported Opinion, Rule 12(b)(1) Motion for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim; Pro Se Plaintiff.

19-1836 • LAFERNEY v. USA

Filed 01/14/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION denying Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter final judgment dismissing plaintiff's complaint, pursuant to RCFC 12(h)(3) without prejudice; and The clerk's office is directed to reject any future filings received from plaintiff not in accordance with this court's rules. Signed by Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (ypb) Service on parties made. Copy sent via first class mail and certified mail. Article no. 7018 2290 0000 5183 7610.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis, Unreported Opinion: Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissa for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(h)(3).

19-1937 • NEVILLE v. USA

Filed 01/14/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER: Granting Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail Receipt Tracking# 7018 1830 0001 4963 6496(vds) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Pro Se; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; Sua Sponte; Judicial Misconduct.


Filed 01/14/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER. Signed by Senior Judge Victor J. Wolski. (jad) Service on parties made.


Filed 01/14/2020
UNREPORTED ORDER Notice to Show Cause due by 2/11/2020. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (arlr) Service on parties made.

19-1340 • Carter v. USA

Filed 01/13/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION Granting MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) filed by USA. The Clerk is directed to dismiss Plaintiff's complaint without prejudice and enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler. (sh) Service on parties made.(Plaintiff served by Certified mail: Article Number 7014-1200-0000-9093-9195.)

Keywords: re: Order on Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1), Unreported Opinion, Rule 12(b)(1) Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Torts; Criminal Violations; 14th Amendment;Pro Se Plaintiff.

19-1986 • HECKER v. USA

Filed 01/13/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION: Granting Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. Complaint is DISMISSED without prejudice for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. U.S. Certified Mail Receipt Tracking# 7018 1830 0001 4963 6472(vds) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Pro Se; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; Sua Sponte.

19-1729 • SANCHEZ v. USA

Filed 01/13/2020
UNREPORTED OPINION: Granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. U.S. Certified Mail Receipt Tracking# 7018 1830 0001 4963 6489(vds) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Pro Se; Motion to Dismiss; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; Sovereign Citizen.


Filed 01/08/2020
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting Motion to Dismiss and dismissing the complaint. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (jp) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Contract Disputes Act; 41 U.S.C. §§ 7101, et seq.; RCFC 12(b)(1); Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; Termination for Convenience; Sum Certain; Contracting Officers Final Decision, re: Unreported Memorandum Opinion and Order granting Motion to Dismiss and dismissing the complaint.
