USCFC General Jurisdiction-Unreported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 1 month ago

20-860 • WILCOCK v. USA

Filed 04/30/2021
UNREPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(6). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Marian Blank Horn. (dls) Service on parties made.


Filed 04/30/2021
**RE-DOCKETED FOR POSTING TO THE COURT'S WEBSITE** UNREPORTED ORDER scheduling further briefing on plaintiffs' motion for reconsideration and scheduling additional limited fact discovery. Signed by Judge Ryan T. Holte. (tb) Service on parties made.


Filed 04/29/2021
UNREPORTED OPINION. Reissued public opinion of the Court's sealed amended memorandum opinion and order of April 27, 2021, denying the plaintiff's motion to stay the Court's judgment pending appeal pursuant to RCFC 62. Signed by Judge Richard A. Hertling. (naw) Service on parties made.

20-1307 • HARMON-EL et al v. USA

Filed 04/27/2021
UNREPORTED OPINION granting the government's motion to dismiss pursuant to RCFC 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment accordingly. Signed by Judge Matthew H. Solomson. (rag) Service on parties made; plaintiffs served via U.S. mail.

20-1530 • VANOVER v. USA

Filed 04/23/2021
UNREPORTED Order granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Marian Blank Horn. (dls) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via U.S. mail.


Filed 04/23/2021
PUBLIC ORDER denying Plaintiff's Motion for Judgment on the Administrative Record; granting Defendant-Intervenor's Cross Motion; granting Defendant's Cross Motion. Signed by Chief Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (tjd) Service on parties made.

17-1185 • LACEWELL v. USA

Filed 04/23/2021
UNREPORTED Order The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Zachary N. Somers. (ktm) Service on parties made.

20-1486 • MANNING v. USA

Filed 04/21/2021
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDERon MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) filed by USA. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Zachary N. Somers. (ab) Service on parties made. (PDF replaced on 4/22/2021 to correct a typo on page 2)

21-1171 • SEVERSON v. USA

Filed 04/14/2021
UNREPORTED OPINION: The complaint is DISMISSED for lack of subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to RCFC 12(h)(3). Plaintiff's 2 MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis filed by TRISHA SEVERSON is DENIED. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thompson M. Dietz. (brs) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via U.S. mail.

Keywords: Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis,, Unreported Opinion, Pro Se Complaint, Sua Sponte, Lack of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction, RCFC 12(h)(3)

21-991 • ARMSTEAD v. USA

Filed 04/12/2021
UNREPORTED Order Dismissing Case. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Stephen S. Schwartz. (cmc) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via U.S. mail. (dls) (Main Document 10 replaced on 4/12/2021) (tb). Modified on 4/12/2021 to correct PDF


Filed 04/12/2021
**RE-DOCKETED FOR POSTING TO THE COURT'S WEBSITE** UNREPORTED ORDER finding as moot [7] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(6); granting [16] Motion for Leave to File Exhibit 1 of Plaintiff's Amended Complaint under Seal.The government shall answer plaintiffs amended complaint or refile a motion to dismiss on or before 19 April 2021. Plaintiff shall file Exhibit 1 of the amended complaint and the seven attachments of Exhibit 1 under seal. Signed by Judge Ryan T. Holte. (tb) Service on parties made.

20-454 • PLAINTIFF NO. 1 et al v. USA

Filed 04/09/2021
UNREPORTED ORDER granting Unopposed MOTION to Certify Class filed by PLAINTIFF NO. 1, PLAINTIFF NO. 2 et al. Signed by Judge Kathryn C. Davis. (pbf) Service on parties made.

20-240 • YANG v. USA

Filed 04/07/2021
ORDER OF DISMISSAL. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow.


Filed 04/06/2021
Order of Dismissal. UNREPORTED Order. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow.

20-1498 • SCHAEFFER v. USA

Filed 04/02/2021
**RE-DOCKETED FOR POSTING TO THE COURT'S WEBSITE** UNREPORTED ORDER directing the Court to file plaintiff's IPF application and motion to seal the case. Plaintiff's IFP application is denied. The deadline for submission of a completed IFP application form or, in the alternative, payment of the required $400.00 in filing fees is extended to 30 April 2021. Plaintiff's motion to seal the case is denied. Plaintiff may file Motions to request certain documents in this case remain under seal on or before 30 April 2021. Plaintiff's for relief from the Court's 25 February order is stayed pending resolution of the government's motion to dismiss. Plaintiff's motion for a more definitive statement is stayed pending resolution of the government's motion to dismiss. Signed by Judge Ryan T. Holte. (tb) Service on parties made.


Filed 03/31/2021
ORDER. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment in the amount of $618,700.00, consistent with the attached order. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (jw) Service on parties made.

21-1037 • BELL v. USA

Filed 03/31/2021
UNREPORTED OPINION: The complaint is DISMISSED for lack of subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to RCFC 12(h)(3). Plaintiff's MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis filed by THOMAS PHILLIP BELL is granted for the LIMITED purposes of determining this court's jurisdiction. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith. (dpk) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis, Unreported Opinion: Pro Se Complaint; Sua Sponte Dismissal for Lack of Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(h)(3); Transfer Not Warranted.


Filed 03/30/2021
UNREPORTED OPINION denying Motion to Appoint Counsel; denying [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. Plaintiff shall pay required filing fee and respond to [9] Motion to Dismiss by 4/29/21. Signed by Judge Kathryn C. Davis. (pbf) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via U.S. mail.

20-969 • GOLDEN IT, LLC v. USA

Filed 03/29/2021
UNREPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDER denying petitioner's motion for judgment upon the administrative record; granting the government's motion to dismiss and cross motion for judgment upon the administrative record. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (rs) Service on parties made.

Keywords re: Unreported Memorandum Opinion and Order: Post-Award Bid Protest; Judgment Upon the Administrative Record, RCFC 52.1; Best Value Determination; Injunctive Relief; Ripeness; Mootness.

20-1011 • NOLAN v. USA

Filed 03/25/2021
UNREPORTED Order on MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) filed by USA finding as moot [6] Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Victor J. Wolski. (jad) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via U.S. mail.
