USCFC General Jurisdiction-Unreported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 1 month ago

23-519 • JOHNSON v. USA

Filed 04/19/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION DISMISSING CASE. The plaintiff's complaint is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. The MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis filed by STEVEN JOHNSON is granted for the limited purpose of dismissing the complaint. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Richard A. Hertling. (tbss) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via first class mail.

22-1383 • LEVI v. USA

Filed 04/13/2023
Order of Dismissal finding as moot Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Loren A. Smith. (nck) Service on parties made.

22-1797 • FINN v. USA

Filed 04/12/2023
Order of Dismissal finding as moot Defendant's Motion to Dismiss. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Loren A. Smith. (nck) Service on parties made. Plaintiff served via first class mail on 04.13.2023 (mjk). Modified on 4/13/2023 (mjk). Modified on 4/13/2023

22-1887 • BAQLEH v. USA

Filed 04/06/2023
ORDER DISMISSING CASE on First MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) filed by USA. The Court also DENIES [19] Second MOTION to Amend Complaint - Rule 15, DENIES-AS-MOOT [20] MOTION Requesting Expungement or Sealing of the 5150 Record, DENIES-AS-MOOT [21] MOTION for Investigating ongoing Harassment, DENIES [24] MOTION for Default Judgment, DENIES [26] MOTION to Strike Defendant's Answer to Plaintiff's Complaint, and GRANTS [2] MOTION for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Edward H. Meyers. (mjd) Service on parties made.

22-899 • KING v. USA

Filed 04/06/2023
ORDER OF DISMISSAL: Defendant's Partial Motion to Dismiss plaintiff's complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction is GRANTED. Plaintiff's [1] Complaint is DISMISSED without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is directed to ENTER Judgment DISMISSING this case without prejudice. No costs. Signed by Judge Armando O. Bonilla. (ead) Service on parties made. (Main Document 14 replaced on 4/7/2023 to correct typo) plaintiff served via certified class mail. Receipt # 7018 2290 0000 5183 8877 (ac7).

22-1222 • GARCIA v. USA

Filed 04/04/2023
UNREPORTED ORDER: finding as moot the government's Motion for Scheduling Order; staying [16] plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment; and granting [17] the government's Renewed Motion for Scheduling Order. Administrative Record due by 4/17/2023; plaintiff's MJAR due by 5/19/2023; the government's cross-MJAR and response due by 6/20/2023; and plaintiff's reply and response due by 7/14/2023. The Clerk is directed to file plaintiff's deficient filing received 31 March 2023 by leave of court as a surreply. Signed by Judge Ryan T. Holte. (sav) Service on parties made.

22-1827 • THACHER v. USA

Filed 04/03/2023
UNREPORTED ORDER DISMISSING CASE The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Edward H. Meyers. (mjd) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via first class mail.

23-314 • OWENS v. USA

Filed 03/31/2023
UNREPORTED SHOW CAUSE ORDER. Plaintiff's brief showing cause why his complaint should not be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction due by 5/1/2023. The government's response due within 30 days of date plaintiff files his brief. Signed by Judge Ryan T. Holte. (sav) Service on parties made. Plaintiff served via Certified mail 7018 2290 0000 5183 5975 on 04.03.2023 (cam). Modified on 4/3/2023

23-203 • GELB v. USA

Filed 03/30/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION AND ORDER: The plaintiff's claims, although framed as contract claims, actually arise under the Freedom of Information Act. The Court of Federal Claims lacks subject-matter jurisdiction over the plaintiff's claims. The Clerk is directed to transfer this case to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and to close the case. Signed by Judge Richard A. Hertling. (kac) Service on parties made.

22-1794 • BEESLEY v. USA

Filed 03/29/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION: The Clerk of the Court is directed to enter JUDGMENT, dismissing the case for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. Signed by Judge Matthew H. Solomson. (brl) Service on parties made.Plaintiff served via U.S. Certified Mail No. 7018 2290 0000 5183 5319 Modified on 3/29/2023

13-227 • JONES et al v. USA

Filed 03/29/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION on MOTION for Sanctions pursuant to Rule 37. The plaintiffs' motion for spoliation sanctions is GRANTED in part, with respect to the Hi-Point handgun, and DENIED in part, with respect to the officer's clothing and the Glock handgun. The parties are DIRECTED to file a joint status report by 5/15/2023, setting forth a proposed schedule for further proceedings. Signed by Judge Richard A. Hertling. (tbss) Service on parties made.

22-1910 • MALONE v. USA

Filed 03/28/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION and ORDER granting defendant's motion to dismiss, denying as moot plaintiff's [11] motion for summary judgment, and granting plaintiff's [9] motion to proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (jag) Service on parties made. Modified on 3/29/2023 to add motions being acted on to the docket text.

22-1713 • WHITMORE v. USA

Filed 03/27/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION: Plaintiff's complaint is DISMISSED for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. The Clerk of the Court is directed to enter JUDGMENT for the government. Signed by Judge Matthew H. Solomson. (cmb) Service on parties made. (Main Document 10 replaced on 3/27/2023) (vds). Plaintiff served via first class mail on 03.27.2023 (mjk). Modified on 3/27/2023


Filed 03/24/2023
UNREPORTED PUBLIC OPINION AND ORDER of **SEALED**OPINION AND ORDER: The Clerk of Court is directed to [47] LIFT the Stay. Plaintiff James J. Hildebrandt is TERMINATED for lack of standing. The Clerk of Court is directed to TERMINATE plaintiff James J.Hildebrandt from this matter. Defendant's [45] Motion to Strike Plaintiffs' Preliminary Infringement Contentions is GRANTED. The Clerk of Court is directed to DISMISS this action for failure to prosecute in accordance with RCFC 41(b) and ENTER Judgment accordingly. Costs to defendant. Signed by Judge Armando O. Bonilla. (ead) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: [75]: Patent infringement; Standing; Assignment of Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. § 3727; Patent Rule 4: Infringement contentions.

22-1382 • MURPHY v. USA

Filed 03/23/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION AND ORDER dismissing case. Granting Motion to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1), denying as moot [21] Motion to Join Parties, and denying as moot [22] Motion to Request Hard Copy Documents. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Kathryn C. Davis. (apkt) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via first class mail.

17-307 • HADDAD v. USA

Filed 03/15/2023
UNREPORTED ORDER: granting defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Invalidity and finding as moot [88] defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Non-Infringement. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Ryan T. Holte. (eir) Service on parties made. (Main Document 157 replaced on 3/16/2023 to correct a clerical error at the bottom of page one re: date of January 2021 opinion.)

22-1882 • JOINER v. USA

Filed 03/15/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6); denying [6] Motion; denying [8] Motion; denying [12] Motion for Summary Judgment; denying [16] Motion to Amend/Correct; granting [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. Signed by Chief Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (jag) Service on parties made. Plaintiff served via U.S. mail on this day Modified on 3/15/2023

22-1769 • BELL v. USA

Filed 03/10/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION DISMISSING CASE, granting Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1). The Clerk is directed to enter judgment and dismiss plaintiff's complaint. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow. (khp) Service on parties made. Plaintiff served via certified mail, article no. 7018 0040 0001 1393 2881.

21-1064 • NALTNER et al v. USA

Filed 03/08/2023
ORDER granting Defendant's Motion to Stay. Defendant's response to [41] Plaintiffs' Motion to Certify Class is due within 14 days after this Court's ruling on [40] Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Eleni M. Roumel. (smh) Service on parties made.

22-1221 • THOMAS BEY v. USA

Filed 03/06/2023
UNREPORTED OPINION DISMISSING CASE on Motion to Dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) and granting [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Edward H. Meyers. (mjd) Service on parties made; plaintiff served via first class mail.
