USCFC General Jurisdiction-Reported

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U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions
Updated: 1 year 2 weeks ago


Filed 04/22/2019
REPORTED ORDER reissuing SEALED OPINION and ORDER. Signed by Senior Judge Loren A. Smith. (mr) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Post-Award Bid Protest; Judgment on theAdministrative Record. re: Reported Order

18-1563 • INDIGO IT, LLC v. USA

Filed 04/22/2019
REPORTED ORDER reissuing SEALED OPINION and ORDER. Signed by Senior Judge Loren A. Smith. (mr) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Bid Protest, RCFC 52.1, Cost Realism Analysis. re: Reported Order.


Filed 04/22/2019
REPORTED ORDER. Granting defendant's and defendant-intervenor's motions to dismiss and motions for judgment on the administrative record. Denying plaintiff's motion for judgment on the administrative record and plaintiff's finding motion to supplement moot. Signed by Senior Judge Nancy B. Firestone. (gd) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Reported Order, Bid Protest; Post-award; Judgment on the Administrative Record; Motion to Dismiss; Motion to Supplement; Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(b)(1); Timeliness; Blue & Gold Waiver.

18-1615 • AGILE DEFENSE, INC. v. USA

Filed 04/22/2019
REPORTED ORDER reissuing SEALED OPINION and ORDER. Signed by Senior Judge Loren A. Smith. (mr) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Post-Award Bid Protest; RCFC 52.1; Judgment on the Administrative Record; Administrative Record; Cost Realism Analysis; Misleading Discussions. re: Reported Order.

18-1686 • BABCOCK v. USA

Filed 04/18/2019
REPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1). Plaintiff's complaint is dismissed without prejudice. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler. (sh) Service on parties made.(Plaintiff served via certified mail; Article No. 7005 2570 0001 3701 9885).

Keywords: Reported Opinion, Rule 12(b)(1) Motion for Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Unjust Conviction and Imprisonment; 28 U.S.C.§1495; 28 U.S.C. §2513.


Filed 04/18/2019
REPORTED OPINION: Defendant's motion to enforce the protective order entered August 17, 2017, or issue a new protective order, is DENIED. Plaintiffs' motion [268] to compel discovery as to source code is DENIED. Plaintiffs' motion for an extension of time to respond to discovery and for a protective order [256] is DENIED. Defendant's motion [269] to compel interrogatory responses and document production is GRANTED, but the attendant motions [269] to determine the sufficiency of objections and to deem as admitted certain requests for admission are DENIED. Plaintiffs' motion [278] for reconsideration of the court's order of March 11, 2019 is DENIED. On or before June 21, 2019, the parties are invited to propose a new schedule for discovery and other preparatory proceedings, taking into account this ruling. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow.

Keywords: re: Reported Opinion Discovery disputes in patent case; prior preliminary protective order superseded by claim construction; particularized showing not made for discovery of source code; general obligation to respond to proper discovery requests; RCFC 26(b)(1), 33(b), 34(b), 36(a).


Filed 04/17/2019
REPORTED OPINION and ORDER denying 21 Motion for Judgment on the Administrative Record; granting 22 Cross Motion. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler. (ez) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Reported Order Pre-award Bid Protest; Motion for Judgment on the Administrative Record; Rule 52.1; Agency's Competitive Range Decision

03-785 • BERES et al v. USA

Filed 04/16/2019
REPORTED OPINION denying in part and deferring in part Defendant's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying in part and deferring in part [276] Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying [285] Defendant's Motion to Dismiss; and granting Defendant's Motion to Strike. Signed by Senior Judge Marian Blank Horn. (td) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Motion to Dismiss; Motion to Strike; Cross-Motions for Partial Summary Judgment; Rails-to-Trails; Fifth Amendment Taking; Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Deed Interpretation; Plat Interpretation; Adverse Possession; Preemption; RCFC 56(d).

17-2052 • WEST v. USA

Filed 04/16/2019
REPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER granting-in-part and denying-in-part Motion to Supplement and Strike Portions of the Administrative Record. Corrected Administrative Record due by 5/17/2019. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (rdb) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Supplementing The Administrative Record; Motion To Strike, re: Reported Memorandum Opinion And Order.


Filed 04/16/2019
REPORTED OPINION. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (feb) Service on parties made.

Keywords re Reported Opinion: Bid Protest; IDIQ Contract; U.S. Army; CAGE Code; Meaningful Discussions

18-1847 • TUCKER v. USA

Filed 04/15/2019
REPORTED OPINION granting Defendant's Motion to Dismiss, finding as moot [4] Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to Proceed in forma pauperis. Plaintiff's Complaint is dismissed for failure to state a claim and for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Marian Blank Horn. (rp) Service on parties made. Plaintiff served via certified mail, article number 7018 0040 0001 1393 2355.

Keywords: Pro Se Plaintiff; In Forma Pauperis; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; Failure to State a Claim; Motion to Dismiss; Fourth Amendment; Sixth Amendment; Civil Rights; Torts; Breach of Contract.


Filed 04/12/2019
REPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (rdb) Service on parties made.

Keywords: Post-Award Bid Protest; Permanent Injunction; RCFC 52.1; RCFC 65; Supplementing The Administrative Record; Delivery Schedule; Motion To Strike, re: Reported Memorandum Opinion and Order.

18-1839 • KUPERSMIT v. USA

Filed 04/11/2019
Re-docketed for publication. REPORTED OPINION: granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Chief Judge Margaret M. Sweeney. (ac7) Service on parties made. (Entered: 04/11/2019)

Keywords: Reported Opinion, Pro Se Plaintiff; RCFC 12(b)(1); Subject Matter Jurisdiction.


Filed 04/09/2019
REPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss Under Rule 12(b)(6). Finding as moot [53] Motion for Jurisdictional Discovery; finding as moot [62] Motion to Strike ; finding as moot [65] Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Senior Judge Nancy B. Firestone. (gd) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Reported Opinion, Dismissal under Rule 12(b)(6) Failure to State a Claim; Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act; Inapplicability of Louisiana Law

14-316 • McCARTY et al v. USA

Filed 04/09/2019
REPORTED OPINION. Signed by Senior Judge Mary Ellen Coster Williams. (TF3) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Fifth Amendment Takings; National Trails System Act; 16 U.S.C. § 1247(d); Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act; 42 U.S.C. § 4654(c); Attorneys Fees; Forum Rate; Locality Rate; Rate Adjustment Matrices; U.S. Attorneys Office Matrix; Kavanaugh Matrix; Reasonable Hourly Rate; Block Billing; Vague Billing Entries; Fees on Fees. (TF3)


Filed 04/08/2019
REPORTED OPINION & ORDER: denying motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction; granting in part and denying in part [10] motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Answer due by 4/24/2019. Signed by Senior Judge Charles F. Lettow.

Keywords: re: Suit for leasehold royalty overpayments and interest; jurisdiction; Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act, 30 U.S.C. §§ 1701-59, as amended by the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act; jurisdiction under the Tucker Act for a monetary claim; 28 U.S.C. § 1491(a) not displaced by 30 U.S.C. § 1724(h)(2)(B) for a monetary claim; contractual remedy for refund and interest supplanted by the statutory remedial scheme; takings claim for accrued interest.


Filed 04/08/2019
REPORTED ORDER denying Motion for Protective Order; granting [168] Application for Access to Protected Material. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler. (ez) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion for Protective Order, Order on Application for Access to Protected Material, Reported Order Private Law Firm Assisting Federal Agency in Litigation; Protective Order; Contested Applications for Access to Protected Material; 5 U.S.C. § 3106.


Filed 04/05/2019
PUBLIC OPINION AND ORDER denying Motion for Judgment on the Administrative Record; granting [52] Cross Motion; granting [53] Cross Motion. Signed by Judge Elaine D. Kaplan. (kb) Service on parties made.

Keywords re [66]: Post-Award Bid Protest; 28 U.S.C. § 1491; Judgment on the Administrative Record; NASA; Discussions; Price Reasonableness.

18-1082 • TAYLOR et al v. USA

Filed 04/05/2019
REPORTED OPINION granting Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6) The Clerk is directed to enter judgment. Signed by Judge Thomas C. Wheeler. (ez) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Order on Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)(1) and (6), Reported Opinion Fifth Amendment Taking; Physical Taking; Regulatory Taking; Ripeness; Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim; Rule 12(b)(6); Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction; Rule 12(b)(1).


Filed 04/04/2019
REPORTED MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Granting Defendant's Partial Motion to Dismiss; Dismissing Counts I, II, and V of the Complaint. Response to the remaining counts of the Complaint due on or before 5/20/2019. Signed by Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby. (mg) Service on parties made.

Keywords: re: Reported Memorandum Opinion and Order, Contract Disputes Act; Blanket Purchase Agreement; Subject-Matter Jurisdiction; RCFC 12(b)(1); Breach of Contract.
